Baptism 11 x 14 - $550 SOLD
I'm still working on some new pieces for my upcoming show, and this one is for a new series called "Sacred". I notice that the pieces of mine that seem to touch people the most are my horses eyes and my boots. Both of those touch the heart in some way - by looking into the soul of the horse through their eyes, or as in the boots, because the boots kind of tell a story - sometimes of a loved one - or the concept of being home after a long days work, etc. An ordinary still life of fruit and vases doesn't quite do that, unless it creates a strong mood. So I thought I would try to come up with some pieces that reflect things that are sacred. Next in the series to come is of a young Buddhist monk, and a piece called "Communion". Not sure where it will go after that.
Baptism - 11 x 14 - $550
Labels: Baptism, Convergence Art Show and Benefit, kathi blinn, kblinn, original oil painting, sorelle gallery
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